Fun ways to get your baby to start babbling!
“Help! My baby isn’t babbling yet! Should I be concerned?”
We get asked about babbling all the time! You know it’s an important milestone, yet it doesn’t seem like your baby has this skill yet, and panic sets in.
First of all, TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Most likely, your baby is fine! Yes, babbling is a critical milestone; however, there is a range when this skill can develop!
What IS babbling?
Babbling is when your baby combines consonant and vowel sounds. There are actually different stages of babbling! As your baby gets older, the babbling becomes more advanced as well. These different stages of babbling are all leading up to the development of actual words!
When should you see your child babbling?
The beginning stages of babbling typically emerge between 4-6 months. This is when your baby adds consonants to their coos. Initially, it may just be “baaaa” or “daaaa.” As your baby develops, the babbling will change! They will start repeating sounds, “bababa,” and then combining sounds, “badaga.”The repetitive-sounding babbling may not develop until 7-12 months, though it can start much earlier! Even after your baby starts using their first words, they will likely keep babbling¡ You will notice they mix words and babbling together, so they sound as though little grown-ups talking!
HOW can you get your baby to start babbling!?
Now that you know your baby should be babbling, what exactly can you do to get your baby to make more sounds? We suggest trying some of the suggestions below, and remember, it can take some time and repetition! Have fun with your baby! Helping your baby say sounds should not feel like a task, but rather a way to connect with your baby.
Tips for getting your baby to babble:
Spend time face-to-face with your baby! Make sure they can see your face and are looking at you! You can hold up a toy or stuffed animal near your face to get their attention! (we especially love the NogginStik from SmartNoggin Toys)!
Once you have your baby’s attention, try out some sounds (such as those using your lips: m, p, b)! It doesn’t have to be babbling sounds; it could be ANY sound! You are merely engaging your baby in back-and-forth imitation. Raspberries and coos are good starting points!
Imitate sounds your baby makes and add to them! If your baby says, “ahhhhhhh,” you could say, “ahhhhhhh! Baaaaa!” Then PAUSE and see if your baby will copy you!
While making sounds, hold your baby’s hands to your mouth so they can see AND feel the sounds you are making!
Be silly! Babies love copying the silly faces and sounds you make! When they respond to you, make sure you get excited. The excitement in your voice and face will let them know that you LOVE their communication attempts! In return, they will want to do more.
What if you have tried everything and your baby still isn’t babbling?
We always say that you know your baby best. Trust your instincts. If you feel that something isn’t right, reach out to your pediatrician and/or a speech-language pathologist (SLP). These professionals can ask more comprehensive questions and let you know if further evaluation is needed.
Some resources to consider:
Early Intervention: Services through your state’s early intervention agency are available for little ones between the ages of birth to three-years-old. You can contact the agency regarding setting up a speech/language evaluation for your baby.
CDC Developmental Milestones: Keep track of your baby’s milestones, so you can reach out to your pediatrician when you have concerns.
American Speech-Language Hearing Association: Resources regarding speech/language/hearing development, as well as, a link to help you find a speech therapist near you.